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Christiana's Journey
By John Bunyan

The Author’s Way Of Sending
Forth His Second Part of the Pilgrim

Christiana and Her Children
To My Courteous Companions
The News of Christian, Christiana and Their Children
How Christiana Decided to Become a Pilgrim
A Visit From Mrs. Timorous and Mercy
Knocking at the Wicket Gate
Danger and a Protector
Welcome at the Interpreter’s House
Supper with the Interpreter
Cleaned, Sealed and Clothed
The End of Simple, Sloth and Presumption
The Hill of Difficulty
Welcomed to the House Called “Beautiful”
Mercy’s Dream
Prudence Catechises the Boys
Mercy, Mr. Brisk and Husbands
Matthew’s Sickness
Questions for Prudence
The Beautiful Valley of Humiliation
Through the Valley of the Shadow of Death
The Story of Mr. Fearing
A False Pilgrim With False Conclusions
At the House of Gaius
The Slaying of Slay-Good
Mr. Feeble-Mind
A Feast and a Farewell
Stories of Christian’s Pilgrimage
A Stay in Vanity Fair
Continuing on the Way
Demolishing Doubting Castle and Death to Despair and Diffidence
With the Shepherds of the Delectable Mountains
Overcoming the Enchanted Ground
How Standfast Resisted Temptation in the Enchanted Ground
Refreshment in the Land of Beulah
Christiana is Summoned
Through the River One by One