Loraine Boettner


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Short introduction to the two books

The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination.

Certainly this Reformed theologian is studied because of his work The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination. His agility in rewriting the doctrines commonly held in a Reformed setting placed him among the current authorities on the subject. It is important to note that he did not introduce any new doctrine, but renewed the old. In this book he explained the traditional five points of Calvinism: total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and perseverance of the saints. He molds into this the theological aspects of the plan and decrees of God; and also the relevant attributes of God. He very convincingly answers criticisms of Calvinism. He also adds a chapter on the history of Calvinism in order to explain the importance of what a theology does after one has embraced its doctrines. Loraine has also written other books such as Immortality” which explain the Christian concepts of death and dying in three specific areas: Physical death, Immortality and the intermediate state. Also, he has written: Studies in Theology, a compilation of articles and books written from 1939 onward. It is compiled in five sections 1) Inspiration of Scripture, 2) Christian Supernaturalism, 3) The Trinity, 4) The Person of Christ and 5) The Atonement. These are among his more popular and important works.

The Millennium.

Loraine Boettner was a Postmillennilist. In this book he lays out the most popular of the end time beliefs.

In his introduction he writes “Broadly speaking there are three general systems which profess to set forth the teaching of Scripture regarding the Second Coming of Christ and the future course of the Kingdom. They are: Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, and Premillennialism.”

He deals with all three with a bias toward Amillennialism, and Premillennialism. Being a Postmillennilist he shows wherein his system is the correct one.

We at Berean Baptist Church are not convinced that any one of these views are correct. Some of us have taken the “wait and see” approach, as each of the views listed, each group think they have the correct view.

As Bro. Conrad Murrell said one time, he only knew two things that were certain, “when Jesus comes, some will go to heaven and some will go to eternal punishment.”

People have their own opinion of the Second Coming and we do not discourage any from following what they believe may happen in the end time. But do not get upset with those who do not believe as you do. This book is posted for those who desire to look into what the different systems are.