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The Mind of Jesus
1. Compassion
2. Resignation in Trial
3. Devotedness to God
4. Forgiveness of Injuries
5. Meekness
6. Thankfulness
7. Unselfishness
8. Submission to God’s Word
9. Prayerfulness
10. Love to the Brethren
11. Sympathy
12. Fidelity in Rebuke
13. Gentleness in Rebuke
14. Endurance of Contradiction
15. Pleasing God
16. Grief at Sin
17. Humility
18. Patience
19. Subjection
20. Not Retaliating
21. Bearing the Cross
22. Holy Zeal
23. Benevolence
24. Firmness in Temptation
25. Receiving Sinners
26. Truthfulness
27. Activity in Duty
28. Committing Our Way to God
29. Love of Unity
30. Not of the World
31. Calmness in Death